Just know your ABC's, and you will do just fine!!

A: Attendance-School starts at 8:05- Please get your child here ON TIME, we have a lot to learn and don't want to waste anytime!  (Doors open at 7:50)

B: Be safe, Be responsible and Be respectful.  These are the classroom rules and MUST be followed.

C: Color Code- "Have a GREEN Day"  This is the discipline plan in the classroom.  There are four    different colors: Purple, Green, Yellow, Red.  I have high expectations!!  *Each student starts at green at the beginning of everyday*

Green: Ready to learn, no problems!

Yellow: Warning---slow down, take a breath- This will result in loss of recess and a reflection sheet stating the problem and how they can fix it.

Red: Stop-----you have been warned- This will result in a call to parents and possible principal visit.

Purple:  For going above and beyond the expectations of the classroom!!!  Where every student wants to be :)

D: Donations are welcome.  Students get a chance to draw from a Treasure Chest every Friday, if you have fun little toys we would love to put them in there!

E: Every Friday your child will take a Spelling Test-  On Monday, there will be a spelling list in their F.I.S.H notebooks.  Please practice these words every night.

F: F.I.S.H notebooks.  Family Involvement Starts Here.  This year we will be using these binders to send and receive information.  There is a homework folder, information folder, pocket with spelling words and high frequency words, calendar and lunch menu, and paper to write notes if need be.  These will be going home with your child every night and returned to school everyday.

G: Guided Reading will be done every day of the week.  This is a time for each child to meet with me in a small group to increase his or her reading ability.

H: Helping at home is a great way to stay invovled and increase your child's learning. 

I: I love having fun while learning.  I PROMISE to do my best to get your child excited about school, and learning!

J:  Jobs:  There are daily jobs that your child will be doing to help keep the classroom clean and orderly. 

K: Kind!!!  I expect everyone to use the Golden Rule.  Treat others the way you would like to be treated, be KIND!

L: Library day is Wednesday.  Your child is able to check out books each week, AS LONG as they bring their books back from the following week.  They will not be able to check out new books until the others are returned.

M: Mrs. Gunderson- I grew up in the Hayfield Community Schools and couldn't be happier to be teaching in the district. 

N: Nightly information check.  The fish notebooks will be sent home every night.  Please look through them and see if there is anything that needs to be returned or sent back, also to see what homework your child has.

O: Organization:  Together we will try to keep the classroom as organized as possible.  I expect your child to be responsible for their own things and being organized can help that!

P:  Parent Involvement is sooo important to your child's success.  Please stay involved and contact me with any questions or concerns about your child's learning.

Q: Questions:  If you have any questions please contact me....

Call: 507-477-3235

Email- sgunderson@hayfield.k12.mn.us

Check out my webpage

R:  Reading is a big part of first grade.  Read EACH and EVERY night!!

S: Star of the Week- Your child will get a chance to be the Star of the Week during the school year.  They will be able to bring some of their favorite things in to keep here for the week and then something special on Thursday.  Treats are also allowed on Friday fun day!

T: Tickets: During the week your child has a chance to get tickets for doing something great.  At the end of each week we will draw out tickets and that person will get to pick something from the treasure chest.  If you would like to donate anything to the chest...please feel free!!

U: Umbrellas, coats, boots, sweaters.  Dress your child for the weather!!

V: Violence will NOT be TOLERATED in the classroom!!

W:  Writing will take place everyday in the classroom.  We will be working on many different kinds of writing that  puts our imaginations to work!

X: X-celant!  We are going to have a GREAT year!

Y: YES!  Your child will learn in 1st grade!

Z: Zillions of new things to learn and do!